Why Fad Diets Don’t Work

Why Restricting Food Does Not Work

Nutrition is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Unfortunately, the media and non-credible sources attempt to tell us otherwise - skewing public knowledge regarding nutrition.

As mentioned previously, fad diets and “cheat” meals carry a negative connotation - the idea that one must deprive and restrict foods in order to be healthy. And when that happens, disordered thoughts and nutritional behaviors can occur.

Just as we care for our relationships with others, we must nurture our relationship with food. Food is our friend!

Food Restriction Means More Calories

The idea of restricting or depriving oneself of a certain meal/treat can actually harm one’s relationship with food and increases the likelihood of consuming excessive calories while the ongoing craving(s) continue to be dissatisfied.

Instead, nurture your body by making it an experience: color your plate with foods, keep trying new foods, and have FUN with eating! And if you’re really longing for that piece of cake, enjoy it and never feel guilty.

A well-balanced life should be one that is both enjoyable and sustainable. Never deprive yourself of living life. Appreciate food. Appreciate your body. Appreciate yourself.

Healthy Regards,
Jessica G. Anderson, MS, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C


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